So I'm trying to play ys 1 on my steam deck and for configuring its settings you have to open a separate launcher for it. Steam deck says I should be able to interact with it via touchscreen or track pad but when the launcher comes up the track pad controls nothing and the touchscreen doesn't work.
I even tried launching the launcher in desktop mode but even there the mouse just freezes up and the touchscreen yet again doesn't work. How can I interact with the launch on steam deck?
I’ve had this idea for a very long time, perhaps 15 years plus. So the usually theory about Deja vu is that there is a delay between either side of the brain, so you’re seeing it twice. But in some ways it makes sense, but in other ways not. One time I saw my friend in the slight distance with a group of other friends, and I had this very strong memory that I walked up to the friend and said something silly and then I was embarrassed. But I know this has never happened before, so I walked up to my friend and just said “hey” and walked off.
So theory about parallel universes is that when someone makes a decision another universe splits off, so my theory is that Deja vu is when we see these choices being made and another universe being created.
I’ve been playing atmos music from Apple Music via the Sonos app and it sounds pretty great on my new arc ultra + 2 300s + sub 2 setup. However, every now and then I can hear the mixing change completely mid-song (most recently during Crosstown Traffic by Hendrix) and when I look at the app I see I’m no longer getting atmos, and it’s just a “normal” mix. When I select the song again in the Sonos app the atmos mix returns.
Has this been happening to anyone else? Any solutions? It happens often enough where I’m nervous to show this system off to friends bc I fear it will happen mid-demonstration and my friends are enough of audio nerds to clown me for investing in this new technology that clearly has bugs.
Hello! I recenty discovered that i identify as a female and want to do mtf treatment. I am currently 16 but im planning on taking hrt once i start college so i dont have to ask a guardian because i dont know if they would take me being trans in a good way or allow me to go on hrt. I know its a different and longer process when you are older but is it that much longer at 19 or 20?
Soy jugador de PC, la verdad también tengo una play y no me puede chupar más un huevo la típica "guerra de consolas", ya que me parece alta virgeada. Pero el otro día scrolleando por X, me saltó un post que decía: "jugadores de consolas, que cosa hace que no quieran dar el salto a PC?" Y la cantidad de gorditos boludos tirando cosas del estilo, "Prender la PC y querer jugar y tener que instalar 20 drivers" "Yo solo quiero sentarme y jugar, no tener que descargar 40 launchers" "cuando veo un juego y lo compro lo quiero jugar y no fijarme si es compatible con mi PC" "el pantallazo azul de la muerte". Y la verdad son puras boludeces, tipo, instalas un driver cada tanto y te toma 3 minutos. Lo de los launcher con solo tener steam ya está El pantallazo azul???? que estamos en el 2010 Bld. Capaz es mi caso aislado y a varía gente que le pasa, pero amigos míos nunca tuvieron los problemas que te tiran los jugadores de consola. Ustedes que opinan? Para mí PC siempre va a ser superior, capaz más caro, pero a la larga es más barato, con comprarte una PC buena podés estar 2 generaciones de consolas jugando tranqui a ultra/alto y por sobre todas las cosas NO TE COBRAN PARA JUGAR ONLINE(la verdad no sé cómo sigue existiendo ese sistema de pagar para jugar online)
I need some help 😅 I’m torn between Brown and UNC for IM residency. I’m looking to go into Endo or GI and want a program with strong training and a good work-life balance. Had great interview experiences at both, so now I’m struggling to decide 😩 Any insights or recommendations would be really helpful!
I (25M) have been struggling with discipline, especially when it comes to my phone usage and porn addiction. I know I need to stay on track, but it’s so easy to slip back into old habits. How do you guys manage to stay disciplined and focused on your goals? I’m looking for any advice that can help me build better habits and stick to them.
Quick question, if I have Fear of Lost Teeth and Screaming Nemesis on the board and my opponent uses Day of Judgment. Can my Fear of Lost Teeth trigger and ping my Screaming Nemesis or is it no longer a valid target due to everything dying at the same time?