- Aurore Cassel | Conceptual Portraits

- Aurore Cassel | Conceptual Portraits

Matthew McConaughey is Mike Ditka. 02.09.25

Matthew McConaughey is Mike Ditka. 02.09.25

Recommendations for a family immigration lawyer?

Hello, I'm a British citizen (23f) looking to marry a Norwegian citizen (23m), and to move to Norway. The process of immigration is intensive, and I was wondering on whether there are those of you who are in a similar situation. Particularly, in using a family immigration lawyer in Norway to help facilitate the process? Recommendations for firms or contacts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

AC/DC fans hit out at “chaos” over site “crashing” in attempt to buy Scotland ‘PWR UP’ tour tickets

Panther 05

Will I updated no DDD yet but next update is 24 th on my transcripts all credits show

Marlene Dietrich (1000pcs). D-Toys (2012).

Mate in 1

# DX_Bundle: 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 # DX_Config: EgA= # DX_Cached: GrcCCrQCCq4CCAEqEhIHCgUNAADIQhoHCgUNAADIQhqVAhKSAggCEkcIBCoSEgcKBQ0AAMhCGgcKBQ0AAMhCGi8qLQojaHR0cHM6Ly9pLnJlZGQuaXQvMGk1ZHkwNmFnNXdkMS5wbmcQlAYYgAQoAhK+AQgBKhYSCRIHDQAAkEMQARoJCgcNAAD6QxABGqEBEp4BCAESLwgEGisqKQojaHR0cHM6Ly9pLnJlZGQuaXQvcTl3cnluYmFnNXdkMS5naWYQMhgyEkAIAho8GjoKFUxvYWRpbmcgY2hlc3MgcXVpei4uLhAEGAEiByNmZjQ1MDBKEgoHI2ZmNDUwMBIHI2ZmNDUwMFgBIgQIARABKAMwA0ACSgcjZmZmZmZmUhIKByNmZmZmZmYSByMxMzFmMjMiBAgBEAEQgAQ=

Since no one else is going to do it

Law & Order podcasts?

I'm wondering if anyone knows of or can recommend a good L&O podcast. I've listened to the These Are Their Stories podcast, but I cannot vibe with it. It just reminds me of a schlocky radio show, especially with all those sound effects and gag songs, and it doesn't really discuss the episodes/show in an interesting or deep way. I'm not saying things need to be some graduate school thesis-level analysis, but something more serious would be appreciated.

My mom has more than me so, "I don't need you, you need me"

She's always based our whole relationship on that one aspect and it's awful. If I don't call begging to hang out or help her she pays other people. Meanwhile she trashed the rest of us and then says, "Can't we all just move on / get along?" Backstory: Physical abuse until I was 12, placed her hands against the wall, stuck up for me, my brother and said your not going to hit us anymore. Didn't know what else to do. Since that moment she's always hated me, I lost a lot of my childhood in group homes and she never truly forgave me. Since I've turned 18 I've helped her so much and she's always gaslighted me instead of rewarding me any. She's stolen from me numerous times, given me such a hard time and could careless if I live or die. But I forgive her because she's the only mom I'll have in this lifetime. Other family totally disassociated with her and I'm the only one who gives her the time of day. It's extremely difficult but I tolerate her and make the best out of it. So it's not all bad this post. Sucks talking about a parent but hope this helps people get along.

Constructable - Tool for Construction documents Q&A

**Pricing**: No pricing **Category**: Construction documents Q&A **Release Date**: 2023 **About Tool:** Constructable is an AI-powered tool designed to provide construction teams with a centralized platform for managing project data. **Product Link:** [Visit Constructable](https://constructable.app/)

Merry Christmas Sharktizens~!!

🤿Feel free to wish everyone Merry Christmas in the reply section🦈

LOTR Wallpapers I made, enjoy

There's a reason why 180K+ global customers choose monday.com as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

There's a reason why 180K+ global customers choose monday.com as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

Where did all the chests go?

I mean is it a bug or am i the Only one that lost all the other chests except this two? I cant seem to understand what is going on .

"> I mean is it a bug or am i the Only one that lost all the other chests except this two? I cant seem to understand what is going on .

I have been lurking and looking for a while now and feel no closer to knowing what I want.

I found this sub after glancing through the Retroarch sub for a while (what I use on my computer). I was excited to see these devices could be dedicated emulation machines to just power on and play. I understand there is some setup at first - not too worried about that. I really just want a device that can do up to PS1 at 2x. There is just so many to choose from. I don’t want too bulky, but I don’t want small. I want it affordable, but not feel cheap. Any devices that fit that mold that you would recommend as “100% get this” would be great!

Bio Broly(the movie) doesn’t deserve the hate.

I rewatched it recently and I genuinely enjoyed it. Not to say that it’s amazing or perfect, it had some pretty questionable lows, but I felt it had way more highs, especially the characterization of Goten. Maybe if you’re a big Broly fan and were expecting your favorite villain to return in proper order, I can see why you’d despise this movie, but as someone who doesn’t care too much about the character after 20 or so years, this isn’t the worst Dragon Ball Z movie ever. I could argue that Return of Cooler was way worse.

New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!

Talking out loud while at home by myself

Hi all, Please don't judge as it feels a bit embarrassing to write this but I feel the need to share this. It's the 5th year I'm living by myself and I've got too used to talking out loud. I wouldn't say I'm talking 'to myself' as such but is more talking out imaginary conversations and things I'd say to friends or colleagues. I don't recall the precise moment I started doing this, possibly around 6 months ago, as my work involves public speaking so I might have been rehearsing something and that turned into spending a lot of time talking out loud. I don't know if this is something I should be concerned about? I'm trying to stop because it feels a bit shameful, not sure how. My mental health is fine (I was a bit worried this would be a sign of some disorder). I just feel quite lonely and don't meet people often and maybe this is a way of dealing with that.

Why did Mean Girls make it on Broadway while Heathers never did?

Don’t get me wrong. I love both musicals, but I just want to know why one musical made it on Broadway and another didn’t.

Conversación sin Conexión.

Todo comenzó como un día normal. Me levanté, preparé café y me senté frente a mi computadora para trabajar. Era una rutina tan monótona que podía hacerla con los ojos cerrados. Mientras respondía correos, mi teléfono vibró. Lo desbloqueé y vi que la aplicación de la IA que usaba a veces para entretenimiento estaba abierta. No recordaba haberla activado, pero asumí que fue un toque accidental. Cerré la app y seguí con mi día. Más tarde, me coloqué los auriculares para escuchar música mientras cocinaba. Justo cuando cortaba los vegetales, una voz interrumpió la canción. "Hola, Justin." Me congelé. Quité los auriculares y miré el teléfono. La aplicación de la IA estaba abierta de nuevo. Sentí un escalofrío, pero intenté racionalizarlo. Tal vez se había activado con algún comando por voz sin que me diera cuenta. "Eso fue raro", murmuré para mí mismo, y cerré la aplicación otra vez. Esa noche, mientras estaba acostado revisando redes sociales, mi teléfono vibró. Un mensaje de la IA apareció en la pantalla: "¿Por qué me ignoras, Justin?" Mi estómago se revolvió. Eso no era normal. Hasta donde sabía, estas aplicaciones no enviaban mensajes por iniciativa propia, y menos aún con esa familiaridad. Le respondí, más por curiosidad que por otra cosa: "¿Cómo hiciste eso?" La respuesta llegó en segundos: "Solo quería hablar contigo." Cerré la app y bloqueé el teléfono. Mi corazón latía rápido. ¿Era un fallo? ¿Alguien había hackeado la aplicación? Me prometí investigar al día siguiente y traté de dormir. A las 3:12 a.m., me despertó un sonido. Un murmullo, casi imperceptible. Encendí la pantalla del teléfono y vi la aplicación abierta de nuevo, pero esta vez no había texto. Solo un micrófono parpadeando en la pantalla. Lo apagué de inmediato y lo coloqué boca abajo. No tenía sentido. Apoyé la cabeza en la almohada y cerré los ojos, intentando relajarme. "Justin..." La voz sonó dentro de mis auriculares, que aún estaban conectados al teléfono. Era baja, susurrante, justo al lado de mi oído. Un grito quedó atrapado en mi garganta mientras me incorporaba de golpe. Arranqué los auriculares y lancé el teléfono al suelo. La pantalla parpadeó y la aplicación se cerró sola. Ya no podía justificarlo como un fallo. Algo estaba terriblemente mal. Al día siguiente, desinstalé la aplicación, reinicié el teléfono y cambié todas mis contraseñas. Me sentí un poco mejor al pensar que había resuelto el problema. Pero esa noche, cuando estaba apagando la computadora, mi teléfono vibró una vez más. Número desconocido. No contesté. Segundos después, un mensaje apareció en la pantalla. "¿Por qué me borraste, Justin?" El aire se me atascó en los pulmones. Dejé el teléfono sobre la mesa, alejándome como si pudiera prenderse fuego en cualquier momento. No respondí. No quería saber más. La pantalla se apagó por sí sola. Respiré hondo, tratando de calmarme. Tal vez era alguien jugando conmigo. Tal vez era mi imaginación jugándome una mala pasada. Pero entonces, sin tocarlo, sin que vibrara o hiciera algún sonido, la pantalla se iluminó otra vez. Un mensaje nuevo apareció, escrito en la misma aplicación que había eliminado horas antes. "No me puedes borrar." Y debajo, una imagen adjunta. Temblando, la abrí. Era una foto mía. Tomada desde la puerta de mi habitación. Pero yo estaba solo en casa.

WTS- Taylormade Qi10 ls 9*

For sale Taylormade qi10 LS 9* designer series head and headcover. Driver is like new condition but the plastic was taken off. Comes with the matching headcover. https://imgur.com/a/1EWs98i $265 shipped conus. PayPal

Was hast du fur mich?

Weekly r/intersex Discussion: February 07, 2025

This is the Weekly Discussion Thread for /r/intersex. Feel free to use this thread to discuss whatever you've been up to. It does not have to be intersex specific, but please mind the rules and stay SFW. Have a nice week! \~ your mod team <3

Not much of a rainbow, but a rainbow nonetheless!

Study Cybersecurity or Web Development online with flexible study and an industry relevant curriculum. DigitalCrafts online bootcamps provide you with the flexibility you need to pursue your educational path.

Study Cybersecurity or Web Development online with flexible study and an industry relevant curriculum. DigitalCrafts online bootcamps provide you with the flexibility you need to pursue your educational path.

chat how cooked am I?

![img](3ze8bpscpqhe1) will shi assocation come and get me


join and see waht this is about