Should I pursue a relationship with an Ex-Friends Ex-Partner?

I (19)M moved in with my (at the time) friend (19)M and his Partner (20)F, for the first 2 weeks things were ok, tensions seemed high, but I was unaware of things going on. One night my friend left, I was given the information of what happened through his partner and was furious (I will not go into to detail at all due to it being personal but he is definitely in the wrong)

It has been about 4 months since I've moved in and ive been given the utmost hospitality and comfort. I have been gifted with an opportunity to be able to take responsibility of my life without being micromanaged left and right by my parents and I've never felt better. That being said I've come to find myself being daydreaming about my roommate. I genuinely care so much about her and I can tell she has dealt with a lot from her ex. I appreciate everything she does and can tell that her previous partner was ungrateful and down right childish. I just wish I could show that I care and show that she deserves so much better.

I've only ever been with one person before and it was during early high school. Those kinds of relationships aren't anything special but after that I haven't really pursued anyone else. With that i genuinely don't know how to talk to women, I can't bring myself to say anything remotely complimentary because I don't want to come across as weird. dead ass I'm just scared of being rejected and don't want to make a stupid decision.

This is my first every Reddit post and I could just sound dumb but I can't get this off my mind and needs some outside opinions.