First selfie

First selfie


Say goodbye to awkward silences and blank whiteboards. Funware Ideator sparks ideas instantly

Say goodbye to awkward silences and blank whiteboards. Funware Ideator sparks ideas instantly

"Go on, I'm all ears"

Handcrafted by me...80crV2 with G10 handles..@~61HRC

[GOG] Outer Worlds Giveaway

Hey I am back again for another giveaway. It will be available for 3 days from today. Just comment how you spent the first month of the year and I will choose a random person for the game Thank You To All Game Link -

So does it make any difference?

Does this seal make any difference my big bro bought this car recently and I don't drive much but yesterday when I was out with my friends I asked him about this and he said we will know if this works and on our way police in black stopped us and asked us for vehicle check my friend who was driving the car said "ye seal Nazar nhi arahi kiya" then police said jao ap log.

Like how I mean this seal doesn't seem original to me or it is? Any ideas?

"> Does this seal make any difference my big bro bought this car recently and I don't drive much but yesterday when I was out with my friends I asked him about this and he said we will know if this works and on our way police in black stopped us and asked us for vehicle check my friend who was driving the car said "ye seal Nazar nhi arahi kiya" then police said jao ap log. Like how I mean this seal doesn't seem original to me or it is? Any ideas?

Is this PC a good thing? Does anyone have any suggestions for improving parts that I should use?


TradingView Premium + Ultimate package update (All-in-one Free for Windows and macOS)

TradingView Premium + Ultimate package update (All-in-one Free for Windows and macOS)

*TradingView is the world’s most popular trading platform, trusted by over 60 million users worldwide.* Top-tier plans are expensive, but now you can get a Free Cracked version. The Premium version was taken as the base, and all the packages from the Ultimate version were added. This build was created on October 25, 2024, and is a Desktop version of TradingView exclusively for Windows and for macOS. It includes both the Premium package and the Ultimate package (the Ultimate package installs on top of the Premium package). ***For Windows 7-11:*** >Download: [TradingView Full Package(Win)]( >Password: github ***For macOs:*** >Download: [TradingView Full Package(macOs)]( >Password: github **Installation Steps:** 1. Exit any open TradingView applications 2. Unzip the downloaded archive 3. Install the application in any directory 4. Open the app 5. During installation, first select the Premium package 6. Restart your computer 7. Then, relaunch the installer and select the Ultimate package 8. All set! **Features Include:** * 16 charts per tab * 50 indicators per chart * 40K historical bars * 1,000 price alerts * 1,000 technical alerts * 200 parallel chart connections * And much more… *This version provides direct access to numerous data feeds, bypassing subscription verification, and grants you access to 2,050,000 financial instruments worldwide with high-quality data. The cracked edition unlocks all advanced trading tools, allowing you to trade efficiently without any subscription costs.*

MLSStore Coupon Code for February 2025

Visit this page for [**MLSStore Coupon Code for February 2025**]( The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.

Chance me for BOWDOIN ED2

**Pakistani, Male, looking for Financial aid** **Major: Government and Legal Studies / International Relations** O Level grades: 3A\*, 7A, 3B A Level expected: 1A\*, 2A, 1 B in this order: Law, Economics, Politics, Accounting) SAT: Optional **Honours:** 1. Assistant Committee Director - WYMUN - chosen as 1 of 4 ACDs out of intl. pool of 300 applicants 2. 2nd Best National Speaker - Government College Univ. Deb. Competition - U19, out of 213 speakers 3. Member Pakistan Nat. Entrepreneur Team - shortlisted for selection as 1 of 48 nationally 4. Best Marketing Presenter - LGS Triathlon - Winner out of 350 total participants 5. International Academic Marathon - Runners up Psychology (team) (online test) **Activities:** 1. MUN & Debates Coach, Practiced in personal capacity Mentored 4 university, and 3 high-school students. 2 university students won Outstanding Diplomacy awards at an international and national event. 2. Debates Mentor, \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* School System - for orphans (Sheikhupura) Founder of the debates club. Led debates learning sessions and activities. Held mock debates, mentoring 21 students. Made a 1 hour drive each week. 3. Content writer on own literary blog Posted reviews on well-known books, and self-written poetry. Ran the blog amassing 5100+ followers, 6000+ interactions and reaching 10,000+ viewers. 4. Vice President Law Society Conducted regular sessions, hosting legal debates. Coached students on legal arguments and knowledge. Extended membership to 279 members. 5.Public Relations member, Dubai Islamic Bank Lahore Oversaw posting & addressing of letters and clock-in sheets. Handled 45 customer inquiry calls. Managed media and content for bank's social media 6. Doctor's Aid, Lahore Vet Clinic Aided local pet clinic by managing inventory. Learnt first aid & treated 5 cats; bandages and blockage. Assisted doctor while handling the pets. 7. Management of large project Oversaw construction of familial commercial plaza. Managed inventory, and books of accounts and worker wages. Responded to issues on-site. 8. Published writer Published 3800 worded, 12 paged article on Iqbal's political influence on Pakistan movement in local magazines. Included personal insights and facts. 9. Economic Researcher Individually researched the effects of Smog on Pakistan's economy and wrote a research paper over 10 pages. Published on internet with over 200 views. 10. Resume Drafter Drafted over 50 resumes for job positions: graphic designer to law firms. 2 law firm internships & 11 designer job on my templates. Had intl. orders. Am I cooked? Is this competitive enough to be considered? SAT achha nai thha to submit nai karwaya. Essays, as far as I have gotten checked, everyone said were good. Video response bhi achha gya.

[NEW] [A3] [EU/UK] [GMT/CET] Black Aegis P.M.C. [18+] [Semi-Milsim] [Recruiting]

Gba sp broken charging slot

Hey i just got this Modded gba sp off of eBay, but it doesnt seem to charge, i mean it does. But i really had to stick the cable in really hard while Rotation it. I cant keep doing this so it most likely get destroyed. Any advice? The cable is from amazon. But the charging slot from the sp seems to be a bit worn off

OMG, if only! Upwork connects you with amazing (mostly human) freelancers ready to collaborate on your next project. Find the perfect match at the one-stop shop for top-rated talent.

OMG, if only! Upwork connects you with amazing (mostly human) freelancers ready to collaborate on your next project. Find the perfect match at the one-stop shop for top-rated talent.

What’s happening to my lawn

Sir Walter buffalo. In central Australia. Any ideas what could be happening?

"> Sir Walter buffalo. In central Australia. Any ideas what could be happening?

20f cinephile here to makes friend "again" !!!

Hello guys, I am a 20-year-old student from India studying engineering. I'm here to make friends. You can drop a DM in my inbox. Just be cautious of my dog; he love bites! Lol

Fiddlesticks Match #7889

# DX_Bundle: 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 # DX_Config: EgA= # DX_Cached: Gp8BCpwBCpYBCAEqEhIHCgUNAADIQhoHCgUNAADIQhp+EnwIARJVCAQqFhIJCgcNAAAMQxABGgkKBw0AAAxDEAEaOSo3CiNodHRwczovL2kucmVkZC5pdC9ybnZ2YXVmZTZqemQxLmdpZhDwARjwASIKbG9hZGluZ+KApiIECAEQAUoHIzllY2M4ZVISCgcjOWVjYzhlEgcjOWVjYzhlEIAE

Guess my age and my favorite pizza topping


Report mod test 30/1/2025 10:14:52

Yogi Surprise Coupon Code for February 2025

Check out the link for [**Yogi Surprise Coupon Code for February 2025**]( Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.

Yogi Surprise Coupon Code for February 2025

Check out the link for [**Yogi Surprise Coupon Code for February 2025**]( Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.

K-391, Nick Strand, Ferdinann - 3AM (feat. EMMY)

Two types of doomers

I run a business podcast and I'm looking to interview startup founders that have raised at least $1M USD - I will not promote

My business podcast focuses on the intersection of Psychology and entrepreneurship, and I've published over 210 interviews with 7-9+ figure founders and investors over the last 4.5 years (and I'm always looking for more). As this forum requires me to not promote the name of my podcast - I will not promote. Therefore, if you fit my basic requirement, please say "interested", and I'll send you a DM with the details. By the way, doing the interview is completely free to you!

With Klaviyo AI, Business owners can automate their email and SMS marketing funnels by just writing a few prompts. Click Learn More to get started.

With Klaviyo AI, Business owners can automate their email and SMS marketing funnels by just writing a few prompts. Click Learn More to get started.

Shadow person or something else?

Let me preface this by saying that I really want to believe in the paranormal, while at the same time being a huge sceptic. This makes me seek out all the media I can find on the subject, while at the same time rejecting almost all of it as fake. Having said that, I had a strange experience a few weeks back that I still can't really explain. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Our kitchen has a window facing our driveway, which is covered in pebbles. I was chopping up vegetables when I saw something or someone out of the corner of my eye, approaching our house. As soon as I looked directly, it was gone. It felt a bit weird, but I quickly dismissed it, thinking it was probably just a leaf, even though there wasn't any wind that day. Then, over the span of the next few minutes, it happened three more times, with every incident making me more sure it was a someone rather than a something. However, since our driveway is covered in pebbles, I would have absolutely heard if someone was actually walking out there. Also, our dog would definitely have heard it and alerted us. I was starting to feel a bit nervous about it, but seeing as nobody and nothing was actually there, I couldn't really do much else than continue making dinner. Then my son (aged 13) came into the kitchen. He started asking me what's for dinner, but jumped back mid-sentence. I asked him what was wrong, and he said he saw someone outside, but that they disappeared immediately. He was clearly shaken up, which doesn't happen often for him. This really freaked me out. Now I couldn't just swipe it away as my mind glitching out, something actually happened. However, after this incident, nothing further happened. We've lived in this house for several years, and never before and never after have I experienced anything like this. Also, we have a motion-activated camera facing our driveway which wasn't triggered at any time during this event. What happened that day? I've been trying to come up with a rational explanation, but I'm drawing blanks.

TeamWork 👭🏽🙂

TeamWork 👭🏽🙂



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